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[Client Story] The Fricks

Brad Allen

The ART of Real Estate was founded with one question: What if buying and selling real estate could be a great experience? I've been asking myself that...

The ART of Real Estate was founded with one question: What if buying and selling real estate could be a great experience? I've been asking myself that...

Jul 15 3 minutes read

Successfully Selling Their First Home

Roy and Maggie bought their first home back in May of 2018. This year they knew they were ready for a new place, but were worried about the process of selling their home. The idea of closing one chapter and beginning a new one can be somewhat scary since this is an important decision in one's life.

Was it going to be easy or difficult? Not only would they be listing their home, but to find their next home as well. There's always a bit of fear that sits with homeowners before putting their home on the market: will it sell? will it sit? will the house we want to move into be on the market?

Instead of sitting in their worry, they called up Donnie Shealy and Adam Spires from our team to discuss and strategize these processes for a more efficient experience. The agents previewed their home and followed up with a customized market report to give them an idea of what their home was worth. From there, they created a marketing plan for their home and got it ready for the market.

While preparing for the sale of their home, they went and saw prospective homes in the area they were interested in. They never felt rushed or like a burden when asking to see homes. The best part was that Donnie and Adam were aware of buying incentives based on the Fricks being in the Education profession. This gave them upgrades and freebies on their new home that they wouldn't have been aware of it wasn't for their input. 

After 4 days of putting their home on the market, it went under contract. Which was exciting, but scary, because that meant they needed to start thinking about getting their stuff out of their home. Donnie brought over his trailer to help them move their things since they not only closed on their first home, but also on their new home!

A great takeaway from Maggie's experience is that when selecting someone to work with, as you prepare to handle two of your biggest investments, the quality of that person speaks volumes to their character and work ethic. Not only did they have a great friendship, but a fantastic working relationship to get what they needed done.

Now the Fricks have peace of mind after selling and buying their homes!

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