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Why. Why Us?

Brad Allen

The ART of Real Estate was founded with one question: What if buying and selling real estate could be a great experience? I've been asking myself that...

The ART of Real Estate was founded with one question: What if buying and selling real estate could be a great experience? I've been asking myself that...

Jan 24 5 minutes read

Why. It’s the most basic word and yet the most complicating word. If you have children, it can be the most frustrating word too. However, when used to ask an REALTOR, “why use you” to buy my next home, you tend to get some sterile elevator pitch about “I work with the largest company”, “I have been in the business 30 years”, etc. But those answers aren’t necessarily the answers you are looking for. You want to know specifics, and you want to know what benefits you receive by working with an agent, so here are some of ours…

You Get A Real Cool Leather “Trapper Keeper” – We like for every buyer to carve out an hour to sit down with us and focus their upcoming home buying experience. This is usually done in our office, over coffee, lunch, or a beer. This is where we take the time to listen to what you want, and talk about a strategy to get you there. Oh, and you’ll get a step by step handbook that details the process of buying, lending, and closing for your reference in a handy dandy trapper keeper. Ok, it’s a leather portfolio.

We Won’t Sell You- Yes, our real estate licenses do actually say Sales Professional, but we feel like we are advisors and educators, not sales people. You’re the boss calling the shots, we are the people to explain all of your options that help make sure your wants and needs match your desired location and financial comfort level.

We Don’t Drive You Around in a Cadillac – Ever get into a stranger’s car and have them drive you around all over town? Well first of all, you probably shouldn’t do that unless it’s an Uber. But we feel it’s always awkward. Do you put the window down if you’re hot? Should you ask to change the radio station? These are all questions people dread, so most likely, you’re going to drive too. It prevents a little bit of the initial awkwardness and is probably safer for both of us.

You Help Find Your Home –  We use a wide variety of technology systems to help find the home you want. We have our own “MLS Search Site” that will allow you to login in whenever you want. 3am? Sure. 12pm? Sure, whenever. You will never have to wait on us to tell you when new homes hit the market. This website will do that for you, if you’d like the notifications (and we can help you set it up). The best part? It’s updated every 15 minutes. So if you see a home on our site, its for sale at that moment (not 6 months ago like some sites…cough…cough… Zillow).

We Won’t Quit You – Yes, finding and buying a home is a big part of our job, and yes closing on the home is stressful, but we give you our word that will be here for you after you close too. So when you have those “what the hell do I do now” moments, you will know that we are here to help you with whatever you need.. Need a plumber? Gotcha. Property Taxes seem abnormally high? We know what to do. Need a babysitter? We can refer one. Seriously, anything.

We Answer Our Phones – As you can imagine or maybe even know, it’s hard to get some Real Estate Agents on the phone. Not us. If we’re busy and can’t answer, you can call our “team number” and a member of our team will get you what you need. We know how it feels to need an answer to a burning question and not be able to find out, and we hate it just as much as you do.

Even When We’re On Vacation, We Can Show You Houses –  Since we are a team, we all take “night and weekend duty”. This way, if your specific agent has a dream vacation planned in Myrtle Beach, you will still have someone available to show you homes.

Those are just a few of the “whys” when it comes to why you should work with us. We’d love to sit down with you to talk and see if we’re the right match. And don’t worry, we realize that we’re not perfect for everyone. If we aren’t the right fit, we can always help to point you in the right direction.

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