5 Reasons: Why People Sell Over The Holidays.
It is often a common misconception that it’s not wise to sell after August. That’s NOT true. Let me tell you 5 reasons people sell over the Holidays and crush it.
Hosting the Holidays
Every year around September or October we get a phone call or three from clients who say…”I’m hosting (insert holiday) at my house this year, and I just want more space for family and friends”. Crazy right? Not really. The Fall is a great time for people to sell their homes. Why you ask? Keep reading…
More Serious Buyers
People looking to buy a home in the fall are serious. If not, they would “wait for the selling season” which is a mythical time of year. There is no season to buying and selling, however, there are different times of the year that are better for certain types of homes than others. For instance, large homes with several bedrooms tend to sell better April through August as buyers with children tend to find that time of year better for them to make a home transition. So there is never a horrible time to buy and sell, other than the last few weeks of December, usually that’s a dead zone.
Lake Homes Aren't Cool in the Fall
Lake homes are like boats, everyone wants one in the Spring and Summer so they can enjoy all of the activities they allow. Let the temperatures dip below 70 degrees and the amount of buyers shrivel up too. So sellers often decide to sell their Lake properties in the Fall and then try to “buy up” in the Spring when more inventory hits. So if you’re looking for a Lake property, now may be the time.
Less Competition
Like I was saying above, there isn’t really a selling season in the South. So if you have a home that is in great shape, priced well and ready to go, you are going to have every chance possible. Why? Because most of the homes you may be competing with aren’t going to list in the Fall. So if people are still looking, you have a great product and there are less homes to choose from, guess what? You win, or atleast have a better shot of winning.
Homes Feel More Like Home
Some of my fondest memories from growing up took place during the Fall and Winter seasons. My mom would decorate the house with pumpkins, cornstalks, and colorful leaves dotted our yard. For Thanksgiving, we’d break out the Turkey decorations, followed quickly by several Christmas Trees, and lights on the house. This is what reminds me most of home; and I’m not the only one. People buy off of emotions, and if the home reminds them joyful memories from the past, they are more likely to buy.